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What Do Real Estate Photographers Typically Charge Real Estate Agents?

How much do real estate agents typically pay a photographer for about 75 photos including drone, exterior, and interior images of a property?
For a mid-range property, the cost would likely fall between $300 to $600
For high-end or large propertiethat require more time, advanced techniques, or premium editing, the cost could range from $600 to $1,200+.

How much do real estate agents typically pay a photographer for a floor plan of the property?
$100 to $250 for a simple, standard 2D-floor plan of a property, including the layout of rooms, dimensions, and some basic labeling
$250 to $500+ for more complex floor plans, 3D floor plans or floor plans with specific measurements, furniture layouts, or features like square footage.

How much do real estate agents typically pay pay a photographer for a virtual tour including drone, exterior and interior walk-through of the property?
Basic Virtual Tour Package $400 to $700 – standard virtual tour with moderate editing, drone for exterior views, and an interior walkthrough.
Mid-Range to Premium Virtual Tour Package $700 to $1,500 – enhanced editing and footage showcasing more of the property, costs could rise into this range.

How much do real estate agents typically pay a photographer for a Matterport Tour?
Matterport Tours generally range from $200 to $500+ depending on the size and complexity of the property.

How much do real estate agents typically pay a photographer for a simple video of the property?
For a basic, short video tour of the property (around 1 to 3 minutes), a real estate agent might expect to pay anywhere between $200 to $500. This price usually covers a straightforward video with basic editing, showcasing the interior and exterior of the home, sometimes with music or simple transitions. 
If the agent wants additional features like drone footage, professional voiceovers, or advanced editing, the cost could increase, possibly ranging from $500 to $1,000+.